On Thu, 21 Feb 2019 at 03:39, Richard Aiken <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
Very, very nice! I particularly like the squeedles adaptation.

It did work out rather neatly.  Almost as if it were meant to be. :-)
As to your worries that the rest of TTA will feel anticlimatic, I rather doubt that. As I recall, the remainder of the campaign felt very much like the build-up to and opening of a shooting war, with the subplot concerning a certain pair of rogue agents (never seen by the party until the very end) adding in an element of sophisticated terrorism.

OK, I'll trust the source material!  (Although my lot enjoy almost anything before shooting.)  That does remind me, however, that I really do need to start getting to grips with space combat.

I think they encountered (in the dark and very briefly and shooting at them) the rogue agents at the end of rescuing Lisa Fireau.  They didn't get names though.

But thanks for the encouragement.  Depending on how many sessions the last three or four chapters take, we might be into the last year of this!  
