I didn't care for the first trailer. It swapped theXandarians for the Kree, grossly simplified things, and made Starlord out to be a slacker thief. The GotG used to be a wholly different group, and Quill a very different hero. Then DnA made him lose his powers and rewrote his personality. His own title showed him with powers and old personality a century later, and I wondered if they just intended to ignore it or show him working his wayback to it when thetitle folded. The trailer showed them as criminals, instead of POWs. Does this second trailer diverge even further?

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From: Richard Aiken <raikenclw@gmail.com>;
To: <tml@simplelists.com>;
Subject: [TML]Travelleresque Guardians?
Sent: Mon, May 26, 2014 8:24:15 AM

I just saw the second trailer for Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. I think this is looking more and more like a group of Ethically Challenged Merchants who are suddenly presented with an opportunity to be Big Damn Heros. :)

Richard Aiken

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