On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 2:21 PM, Kurt Feltenberger <kurt@thepaw.org> wrote:
On 5/28/2014 4:31 AM, Richard Aiken wrote:
I really like Rocket Raccoon's response to this speech: "<sigh> Oh, what the Hell. I don't got that long a lifespan, anyway." And RR's "Ohhhhhh, yeaahhhhh." as he prepares to commit mayhem with what appears to be an Advanced Combat Rifle put me instantly in mind of a few Vargr PCs I've had occasion to know . . .

Rocket is going to make the movie, IMO.  Just the pure absurdity of a bipedal raccoon with a walking tree as a sidekick...I'll go see it just for that.

Out of curiosity, I asked Almighty Google if Joss Whedon had anything to do with this movie. AG coughed up an article which included this Joss quote, talking about Director James Gunn:

"You know, James is what makes me think it will work. I myself was sort of like, ‘Well, I liked Rocket Raccoon as a kid, but I’m not sure how that plays [to a wider audience].’ And then they said, ‘Well, we’re thinking about using James Gunn.’ And I said, ‘Oh, then no, you’re fine.’ He is so off the wall, and so crazy, but so smart, such a craftsman and he builds from his heart. He loves the raccoon. Needs the raccoon…"


"He has a very twisted take on it, but it all comes from a real love of the material so you know he’s going to make the Raccoon… It’s going to be hard for the humans to keep up.”

Full article: http://screenrant.com/joss-whedon-james-gunn-guardians-of-the-galaxy/

Richard Aiken

"Never insult anyone by accident."  Robert A. Heinlein
"A word to the wise ain't necessary -- it's the stupid ones that need the advice." - Bill Cosby
"We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous." Dean Winchester