I had players mine a big chunk of ice, manhandle it into a cargo bay, melt it with lasers and suck up the water into the fuel scoop filtration system. So you plan is reasonable.

On Sat, Dec 6, 2014 at 10:13 PM, Billye Gilbert <billye.gilbert@gmail.com> wrote:
It's not to full of holes that I can see right off of the bat. I seem to remember reading somewhere in one of the books it saying that adding fuel scoops also adds other equipment required for refueling from ice.


On Sat, Dec 6, 2014 at 8:51 PM, Bill Rutherford <worj@comcast.net> wrote:

My players are, in desperation, en route to an icy rock to try to obtain fuel.  The ship has fuel scoops and a refiner but it just sank in to me (but apparently has not to them, yet...) that scoops are for skimming.  Somehow I don't imagine a fuel scoop being something like a wood chipper where you feed stuff in one end and out comes sawdust - er, water...

It would seem plausible that the players would set up a pre-fab shelter of some sort, sealed to the (frozen) ground, and would essentially mine water within it, feeding the fuel refiner via hose or the like.

OK - how full of holes is this, and how should it *really* (in the context of the game) be done?

In advance, tx!

Bill Rutherford
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