Oh boy, does that bookshelf look familiar!


Kenneth Barns   MB BS  BSc  FACRRM (Emergency)
GP and Clinical Director, UQ HealthCare Ipswich
Senior Lecturer (General Practice), Rural Clinical School, University of Queensland
email: ken.barns@gmail.com  (preferred contact)
Mobile: +61 4 5957 2825 / 04 5957 2825
Fax (work): +61 7 3381 1809 / 07 3381 1809

On 16 March 2015 at 08:38, Timothy Collinson <timothy.collinson@port.ac.uk> wrote:
Hi again,

Well, my effort last year can't have been too bad.  I've been invited to deliver my lecture on Traveller and (what little I know about) designing adventures for the second time.  It's tomorrow afternoon <gulp>.  The biggest difficulty is knowing what to leave out...

I'll be showing them treasures like travellermap, the timeline and Freelance Traveller again and keeping the deconstruction of an adventure to Three Blind Mice as it's free on the internet for them rather than something they'd have to pay for.  But I should take this opportunity to thank those who contributed last year to some of the game design comments I used.  You're on the credit slide at the end!  Thank you.

For anyone interested, I thought I'd show the students the extent of printed material so I took a photo of my collection.  (After a bit of titivation).  I appreciate that this is not complete however.  But I thought it might be of passing interest here so you should be able to see it at this link:

Sorry the quality isn't a bit better, but it will be enough for the lecture.  The top right shelf is NOT Traveller (except for the BITS thermal mug) and the second shelf from the bottom on the right is only half Traveller.  Oh and the two hidden shelves are full of double stacked Asimov... <sigh>  too many books.  The 'awards' consist of my SEH and PFI from last year's TravCon (the cups) and the Nerf pistol is this year's PFI.  (the other thing is a pencil and pen set for attending TravCon four? years back).  You can also just see (top shelf left) one representative bottle of the Scout Brew Derrick Jones supplies and I wrote about in Freelance Traveller last year I think it was.  

For those who have their collections in storage - I quite understand that - mine was for many years - I would warmly recommend an Ikea Billy bookshelf as I think some of my reengagement with Traveller and learning to write stuff a few years back has come from having this lot accessible and tempting.  In idle moments it's a doddle to randomly pick up something and be inspired, not to mention how much easier it is to look something up if the e-versions are letting me down but my memory of a physical page/book is still good.

And yes, for those who've asked, I *am* working on a third edition of the bibliography.  It should eventually include all this as well as the electronic material that this photo doesn't show.  I hope to get back to it soon after the last few months of concentrating on Generation X.

All the best
safe travelling


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