On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 2:46 PM, Mark Urbin <xxxxxx@urbin.net> wrote:
"The problem with having a anti-matter missile, is that the crew looked for the first excuse to get rid of it."

I had the opposite reaction from my players regarding a nuclear demolition charge which they had managed to acquire *legally* . . . since I let it be known that the Empire made extra-special certain to keep a record of the isotope signatures of all weapon's grade nuclear materials produced in or imported into the Imperium, as well as the full chain of legal purchasers.

There were several times the players *wanted* to deploy it. But each time they decided that the situation just wasn't quite dire enough to court official Imperial disfavor . . .

[I got the idea from the movie "Sum Of All Fears," in which isotope analysis revealed the production facility/batch for the nuclear material in question.]

Richard Aiken

"Never insult anyone by accident."  Robert A. Heinlein
"I studied the Koran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as Muhammed." Alexis de Tocqueville (1843)
"We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous." Dean Winchester
"It has been my experience that a gun doesn't care who pulls its trigger." Newton Knight (as portrayed by Matthew McConaughey), to a scoffing Confederate tax collector facing the weapons held by Knight's young children and wife.