On 11 Nov 2016 19:29, "Bruce Johnson" <xxxxxx@pharmacy.arizona.edu> wrote:
> > On Nov 11, 2016, at 12:06 PM, Rob Davenport <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> > (Imagine a famous Holmesian-style investigator who's a Vargr?)
> He has a nose for the truth!


How about Zhodani with his ability to 'tell it like it is' without much regard for what others might feel? (Or maybe not with his eagerness to keep the details of his solution to himself until a big reveal).  (Or was that Watson over emphasising that propensity?).

Perhaps his observational powers were actually (or supported by) a slight psionic power.   I'm sure some of his great deductions (which I absolutely love), I've read and thought, yes, but hang on, there are these other ways of reading that which you seem to have ignored.  And of course some of them depended on the very rigid Victorian society he inhabited - which is another snag in the much freer society I read the 3I to be.

Now why does the librarian in me suddenly want to collect all his deductions and analyse them?  No, no.  Resist the urge.  Go back to your bibliography or something...
