Hello Timothy and the other members on the TML,
I am glad to be stumbling on and being able to share the information with you Timothy and to pay back the help you and the others have provided me here..
I sure that there are other out there that, without realizing it, have Traveller related material that may be unknown to the rest of us. Hopefully, this will help in filling in the known to exist but not seen bits.
Tom Rux
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2017 4:15 AM
Subject: Re: [TML] The Traveller Bibliography copyright 1997-1999 softcover p. 44
On 7 April 2017 at 16:50, <tmr0195@comcast.net> wrote:
Morning PDT Timothy,
I sent off the material I found in The Space Gamer, along with a PDF of the material, and in STARDATE to you via email. I did not do a PDF for STARDATE, but if needed I may have re-learned how to scan so that it will only take one effort.
I also stumbled on probable Traveller in issues 1 through 4 of the Gryphon: The Forum of Fantasy & Science Fiction Gaming magazine spanning 1980 and 1981. I included an overview of what each issue contains that appears to to Traveller related. Issue 4 has an article by Marc Miller titled "Foundations for a Fantasy Role-Playing Game.", which is in my opinion applicable to Traveller or RPG.

I've responded to Tom offlist in more detail, but this is just to publicly say thank you for your labours and help.  Great to see details of material I had title/author/date for but no further information!  (and in the case of a review an entry I didn't even know about.)  Perhaps I should knock my table of 'known to exist but never seen' into some presentable shape and then promulgate it to see if we can't crowdsource my remaining lacunae!  I'll work on it.



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