On 18 May 2017 at 10:09, David Jaques-Watson <xxxxxx@pcug.org.au> wrote:


> So my question to you is: is Tim correct?


Yes, I'm an old enough gamer that my reflexes when talking about classic stuff to parody go there. (Actually, I have a few *Traveller* credits in my writing history.) I don't know how many contemporary gamers will have understood that joke, I must admit.


Wow!  That's quite made my week.  I'm not sure I'd have ever dared to ask but it's good to hear I'm not so completely Traveller obsessessed that I'm seeing it where it doesn't exist.  (Well, alright, I am... but not in this case.)

Phil is right about the 'credits'.  Here's what I have:

in the Periodical Bibliography as author of:
Animal Handling Skills, JTAS 19
Contact: The Githiaskio, JTAS 16
Contact: The Hlanssai, JTAS 22
Contact: The Jgd-ii-Jagd, JTAS 17
Data File: Notes on Information Sources in Traveller Campaigns, JTAS 24

and in the 2nd volume of periodical bibliography which I'm working on:
Aliens, White Dwarf 47 (rules for generating the Phulgk''k'k'k)
Worldly Power, WD 46 - one of my favourites for many years
Lone Dragon, WD 68
+ a review of The Traveller Book, WD 38

That's a heck of a Traveller CV - particularly the Jgd-ii-Jagd which I would still rate as possibly the most imaginative alien race in Traveller and I fully intend working into The Traveller Adventure when my players hit a gas giant which could be soon as we've just finished the structured first few chapters and are now going into the sandbox bit.

Thanks for finding that out.  I shall return to reading the GURPS Discworld book with renewed enthusiasm (not that it was waning yet) and hope to find more subtle funnies.  (I laughed out loud about the Igors attracting young ladies for marriage, ugly as they are... nothing stated overtly, but a couple of sentences later my brain caught up with my eyes and I cracked up...)
