Re: [TML] What does the CUSTOMER need to know about his ship? Tim 13 Apr 2014 06:16 UTC

On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 08:27:05PM -0700, John Groth wrote:
> Freelance Traveller wrote:
> >What else is Sales Guy going to need to know before handing a spec sheet
> >to the Naval Architect for plans to be handed to the yard?
> Much depends on the ship design sequence in use.

That's a major confusion between IC and OOC.  Ship design sequences
are abstract rules for *players* to design ships for the setting.
They don't in any way reflect what an in-game ship architect
*character* would do or need.

It's a confusion on a par with assuming that when faced with tricky
situations, all characters dig some dice out of their pockets and
expect the universe or adversaries to accord with the results rolled.

I mean sure, sometimes it might be fun to parody roleplaying by
running a session reifying the game mechanics in such a way, but it's
not the usual situation.

> What is the intended *function* of the customer's desired starship?

This part is spot on, though.

- Tim