SimpleLists, or Cordite? and thread-breaking posters robocon@xxxxxx (27 Apr 2014 02:39 UTC)
Re: [TML] SimpleLists, or Cordite? and thread-breaking posters Freelance Traveller (27 Apr 2014 03:09 UTC)

Re: [TML] SimpleLists, or Cordite? and thread-breaking posters Freelance Traveller 27 Apr 2014 03:09 UTC

On Sun, 27 Apr 2014 12:39:44 +1000, wrote:

>Jeff, you wrote:
>> Also, there are a few posters whose messages aren't threading;

>This is a test email to see whether we can work around this.
>I would prefer not to change mail client.

This message didn't thread; see the other discussions under this subject
line - the problem here appears to be that Atmail doesn't insert an
"In-Reply-To" header. A quick google suggests that this is a webmail
client that talks to its own server, much like "Outlook Web Access" and
Microsoft Exchange (which dreck I'm forced to use at work). If that's
the case, unless you have source code, I doubt there's going to be any
sort of fix.

Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
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