Riding the Shockwave... Freelance Traveller (20 Sep 2014 13:44 UTC)
Re: [TML] Riding the Shockwave... Timothy Collinson (21 Sep 2014 19:50 UTC)

Riding the Shockwave... Freelance Traveller 20 Sep 2014 13:44 UTC

I recently rerere....read /The Shockwave Rider/ by John Brunner. The
tech level portrayed isn't really that far in advance of what we have
today; the difference is in the social evolution. Previous discussion on
the list has suggested that on some of the more significant worlds of
the OTU, it's not unremarkable to be as connected as Brunner describes.
What's not clear is whether the pace of life is as intense as it is in
Brunner. So... thoughts: Is it? Do people suffer from the same sorts of
environmental psychoses as portrayed in Brunner? Does a Brunneresque
"plug-in lifestyle" exist? How common is it? How well do individuals
cope with society, and how well does society cope with individuals?


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