Request for Article (see body) Freelance Traveller (16 May 2015 00:16 UTC)
Re: [TML] Request for Article (see body) Tim (16 May 2015 08:36 UTC)
Re: [TML] Request for Article (see body) Richard Aiken (16 May 2015 10:35 UTC)

Request for Article (see body) Freelance Traveller 16 May 2015 00:16 UTC

I've had a quite interesting article submission, and reading through it
and editing it got me thinking. I'd like to see some of our world-
builders here work up a Jump Destination where the system primary is one
of the star types discussed in the article: RV Tauri variables. These
stars actually change their MK spectral types from F, G, or K at their
brightest to M, S, or C at their dimmest. Obviously, there won't be any
'naturally' habitable planets in such a system, and any colony planted
on a planet that does exist in such a system can be insulated from most
if not all effects of the type change, but quite possibly not _all_ of
the effects - and what if the colony has chosen, either because of cost
or because of tech limitations, _not_ to maximize such insulation? What
would it be like to live on a world where the sun ranges from yellow to
red and back over a period measured in months?

(Reasonable places to start research on the star:

Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
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