Re: [TML] What is the moral? John Groth 18 May 2015 23:24 UTC

Kurt Feltenberger wrote:

> On 5/18/2015 5:53 PM, Postmark wrote:
>> Moral 1: make a plan and stick to it, so people know what they are
>> trying to achieve when things go wrong.
>> Moral 2: things go wrong, it doesn't mean that you forget the plan.
>> Moral 3: when somebody says "don't worry, I'll handle that" you need
>> to ask "how?", even if just so that when the big explosion occurs, you
>> get an extra half second to act.
>> Moral 4: sometimes the plan isn't working. Then you need a new plan.
>> You probably need to disengage first.
>> Moral 5: "amateurs study tactics, professionals study logistics" -
>> rubbish, you can send anyone shopping; concentrate on training, morale
>> and making sure everyone knows their part in the plan.
> Moral 6:  Use enough gun.
> Moral 7:  Dispose of the bodies by kicking them out of a hatch in j-space.

Huh.  I would have expected you to include "don't let the Zhodani
mind-rape you into becoming a Manchurian Candidate" as one of your
morals to be learned.... ;-)

For my part, I'll go with this moral:

Sometimes, you gotta blow Normal to Hell and gone, no matter what it
costs you in the end.  If you do it up properly*, there may even be a
Starburst for Extreme Heroism in it for your family's honor.*

*Of course, doing it up properly pretty much means that you won't be
around to receive the SEH in person, but that's okay.  Daniel Reigle,
"Manila John" Basilone, Rodger Young, and others will be there to
welcome you to their brotherhood....