Re: [TML] CT Fighter Squadrons Phil Pugliese (11 Jun 2016 22:45 UTC)
Re: [TML] CT Fighter Squadrons tmr0195@xxxxxx (12 Jun 2016 06:04 UTC)

Re: [TML] CT Fighter Squadrons Phil Pugliese 11 Jun 2016 22:45 UTC


P.S. CT Supp 9 also contains an entry detailing a 50t heavy fighter.


On Sat, 6/11/16, <> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [TML] CT Fighter Squadrons
 To: "TML" <>
 Date: Saturday, June 11, 2016, 9:22 AM

 PDT Phil,

 Thank-you for the reply.

 "Phil Pugliese (via tml list)"
 "TML" <>
 Saturday, June 11, 2016 7:31:31 AM
 >Subject: Re: [TML] CT Fighter Squadrons

 >I know that shipboard fighters can be included as I
 created designs incl them using the CT HGv2 rules.
 >Also, note that fighters are included in a
 number of designs contained w/i the supplement that covered
 IN >ships in the S'Marches using CT HGv2's ship
 profile format.

 Supplement 9 Fighting Ships as you point out has several
 designs that carry fighters per the write-ups that include a
 code for fighter squadrons. I have looked through CT
 Supplement without finding any information on how the
 Fighter Squadron code is determined. Comparing the number of
 fighters to the squadron code a squadron appears to consist
 of 10 fighters. Unfortunately, the Fighter Squadron codes do
 not conform to the hexadecimal notation described on CT
 Supplement 7 p. 47 or CT LBB 5 HGv1 p. 25, or CT LBB
 have gone through CT LBB 5 HGv2, probably missing the
 reference, and have not found anything about fighters or
 fighter squadrons. Additionally the hulls carrying fighter
 squadrons >= 10 do not conform to the letter codes beyond
 9 on CT LBB 5 HGv2 p. 52.
 14 High Guard Optional Rules Fighters has a squadron being
 either 8 or 10 fighters. According to the article each
 squadron of 10 fighters is represented from 1 to 9 with 10
 or more squadrons represented by letterers starting with A.
 Of course if a squadron is composed of 8 fighters I think
 that the coding would be the same.
 you again for you help,
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