Dear Subscriber,

Summer is nearly upon us (though you couldn't prove it by our dreary, drizzly weather).  And so is the May issue of Victorian Times!

Looking at our lead article on forgeries and begging letters, one is reminded that there isn't much new under the sun. Those folks who write to us today from foreign lands to tell us that they are the wives, daughters, etc. of deposed leaders, heads of state, etc., and desperately need our help to reclaim their lost millions would have felt right at home in Victorian days!  The sad part is, such schemes wouldn't have hung around for 200 years if they didn't work!

On a more amusing note, anyone who thought our Victorian ancestors were an utterly staid, dull, humorless bunch will discover differently in our feature on "The Cotillion."  This is not the stately, elegant set of dances one imagines from Hollywood--in fact it seems that the cotillion (at least in America) was something of a romp!  They didn't show us this in "Gone with the Wind!"

As always, this issue is available not only by direct download but through DropBox.  If you're already a DropBox customer, accessing the issue will be a cinch.  If you're not, when you click the link I'll provide below, you'll be invited to sign up for their free service. 

The current issue of Victorian Times will remain in DropBox until the next issue is released; then it will be removed, but will continue to be available through the regular web-link.  Please let me know if you have any problems downloading from either source!

Here's what we have in the May issue: 

Visit to download this issue!

Download it from DropBox: 

Victorian Times Quarterly #3

Victorian Times Quarterly #3 is now available!  This volume features the January, February and March issues of Victorian Times, in a lovely, easy-to-read print edition.  In this issue, you'll find articles on:  

Find out more at

Or order it directly from Amazon! (Also available on and

Or order it directly from: Amazon, or

Have a wonderful May!
Your Intrepid Editor,
Moira Allen