Dear Subscriber,

Back when I was a kid, we'd be just about ready to head off on our annual summer camping trip at this time of year.  School would have ended and we'd look forward to the open road.  For us, camping trips were no mere weekend affairs - we'd pack up and hit the road for a month.  Occasionally, we might indulge in the luxury of a motel, but most of that time was spent in a tent.

Looking at the advice in this month's issue on how to "camp" Victorian-style, I look back on our own efforts as being just a little less primitive than I thought.  At least we didn't have to create  bed from a board and branches or straw!  Mind you, I really have no desire to return to those days of cots, leaky air mattresses and sleeping bags, but they were an improvement. 

On the other hand, cooking over an open fire probably hasn't changed much in thousands of years, let alone a hundred or so.  Our article explains how to cook fresh-caught birds "hunter style" - which makes spaghetti from a can sound pretty good!  Of course, we did try to supplement our diet with fresh fish, but... we weren't terribly good at it.  That only tended to happen when some other group of campers, whose menfolk were dedicated fishermen, would pull up stakes and offer us their supply of leftover trout when they moved on.  (Actually, we ended up with quite a lot of fish that way.) 

Today, I'm sure that my camping experiences and methods would sound just as primitive to the "modern" camper as Victorian methods sound to me.  Someday, perhaps, I'll write up my own account, so that campers of tomorrow can get a good laugh!

In the meantime, here's what we have for June:

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Victorian Times Quarterly #3

Victorian Times Quarterly #3 is now available!  This volume features the January, February and March issues of Victorian Times, in a lovely, easy-to-read print edition.  In this issue, you'll find articles on:  

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Have a wonderful summer!
Your Intrepid Editor,
Moira Allen