Dear Subscriber,

Fall is definitely here!  Trees are showing distinct splotches of gold and orange, the nights are cooling off and the cat has asked for her heating pad.  Like the Victorian housewives of our current issue, I'm looking at my cupboards, thinking about pumpkin pies, and calculating how many bags of cranberries I'll need to buy for my annual canning fest (cranberry sauce and an absolutely delicious cranberry relish). 

Besides being "on time" for once with our regular monthly issue, our latest Quarterly (Victorian Times Quarterly #9) is also ready! 

And as I mentioned last month, back issues of Victorian Times Quarterly are now available for the entire range of Victorian Times, from July 2014 through the present issue.  That's nine volumes in all, packed with fantastic, informative and entertaining tidbits of Victoriana, and gorgeous illustrations and engravings.  You can find a full list of available copies of Victorian Times Quarterly at They make fabulous gifts!

And speaking of gifts (hint, hint), Christmas is coming... If you love a Victorian Christmas, don't miss our Victorian Christmas Treasury, a unique compendium of Victorian Christmas ideas, customs and traditions from Britain, America and the world.  Find out more in our bookstore!

And now, here's what we have for October:

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Victorian Times Quarterly #9

Victorian Times Quarterly #9 is now available!  This volume features the July, August and September 2016 issues of Victorian Times, in a lovely, easy-to-read print edition.  In this issue, you'll find articles on: 

Find out more at

Or order it directly from: Amazon, or


Enjoy the autumn weather!
Your Intrepid Editor,
Moira Allen