Hi Richard and Nick,

We have great hopes of the Parliamentary Dark Skies Group, and have supplied lots of info.

It cost us a bit but they’ve all had our new handbook Blinded by the Light? and info sheets.

As you might expect, the CfDS has been corresponding and Zooming with the Group since its inception. Some of our old friends in both Houses, eg Lords Stunell and Taylor and Sir Peter Bottomley MP are members.

Before he became a peer, Andrew Stunell was on the Parliamentary Select Committee who investigated light pollution in 2003, Lord Taylor spoke at our 2012 light pollution conference at de Montfort University, Leicester, and both Virginia and Peter Bottomley have always promoted dark skies. Interestingly, when his wife Virginia Bottomley was an MP she was on Desert Island Discs on Radio 4, and the book she chose to accompany the Bible and Shakespeare was Norton’s Star Atlas!

Lord Rees has always been supportive of our work, and has not only spoken at some of our events but has organised light pollution briefings of his own, and endorsed our Good Lighting Award which has been presented to hundreds of organisations nationally.

Best wishes and clear skies,
PS here’s my not very exciting picture of NEOWISE on Monday.

On Wednesday, 15 July 2020, 23:29:55 BST, Richard Miles wrote:


Thanks - will take a look.
A bit off-topic but I hear from Bob Mizon of the formation of the new
All-Party Parliamentary Dark Skies Group of MPs (22 members in both Houses).
People can join its mailing list, which I have.

The Co-Chairs are Andrew Griffith, who is the Conservative MP for Arundel
and South Downs, and Martin Rees the Astronomer Royal. I somehow think that
John Mason and his colleagues must have something to do with making this
happen by working behind the scenes.

Looks like the Dark Skies movement are acquiring a more conspicuous profile,
which is promising. Is the BAA /CfDS involved?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Nick James" <ndj@nickdjames.com>
To: <baa-comet@simplelists.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 9:10 PM
Subject: [BAA Comets] South Downs Planetarium comet outreach video

> John Mason and his colleagues at the South Downs Planetarium have produced
> a great outreach video covering comets in general and C/2020 F3 in
> particular. You can find it here:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1fiGZ_Fl-o
> Spread the word to friends and family that this is a rare opportunity to
> see an outstanding comet.
> It does contain a few of my images so I am not totally unbiased!
> Nick James. Director.
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