HI Peter,

Nice observation. If you want the image to be entered into the BAA Comet Archive you will need to resubmit it using the file format that the Archive uses.

Best wishes


------ Original Message ------
From: "=?us-ascii?q?Peter_Tickner_-_peter.tickner1472_at_btinternet.com_ ?=" <baa-comet@simplelists.com>
To: baa-comet@simplelists.com
Cc: "Nick James" <ndj@nickdjames.com>
Sent: Monday, 23 Nov, 20 At 17:38
Subject: [BAA Comets] 29P coma features

Further to my 60x10secods stack I've modified the image the right way up and to include a stack on the comet of 250x10seconds. This supports the theory of a jet on one side that is gradually spiralling round the comet, possibly two jets, one a little further round.



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