Comet's Tale issue 41 Nick James 29 Jan 2022 07:45 UTC

The BAA Comet Section produces an annual newsletter, The Comet's Tale,
each summer. This is edited by Janice McClean and you can see some
examples of previous editions here:

If you would like to contribute an article to the next edition please
send it to Janice (at with a copy to by March 30th. Have a look at old editions of the
Tale to see the kind of things that we publish.

Janice provides the following notes regarding your submission.

Do not worry about making the submission look pretty, with lots of
headings, different types sets etc. I have to remove all of that in
order to make a standard look for the Tale, and will put all submissions
into the same overall font.

Do not be shy of writing if English is not your first language and you
are not confident in writing in English, it is not a problem. I am happy
to take what you send and work with that. All I will need is your
contact details to clarify points.

Please include lots of images/illustrations/any relevant pictures.  It
is easier for me to discard if there are too many rather than beg for more.

Please submit images separately and not embedded in your article, as
occasionally I have difficulty extracting them, if I do not have the
same program on my computer. I use Microsoft word for the layout.

Do not send it in pdf form.

We look forward to receiving your work.

Nick James, Director.