Hello all. See below to fill out a survey on the impact of COVID on conservation efforts. Thanks!


As a proponent of early detection/rapid response, Cal-IPC urges partners

to lead by example and practice isolation as much as possible to slow the

spread of COVID-19.


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Claire F. Meyler
Communications & Marketing Manager
California Invasive Plant Council

510.843.3902 x310





From: Aurora Khatibi Garrity <aurorajkg@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 5:11 PM
To: Info <info@cal-ipc.org>
Subject: Important Research Survey: Conservancy's input needed!




My name is Aurora Khatibi Garrity, and I am a senior at Palos Verdes High School. I am an intern and researcher with the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy (PVPLC), and would greatly appreciate your conservancy's help by filling out this Google Forms survey below to help advance my study. 


This past summer, I began conducting research with PVPLC to study the effects of COVID-19 on volunteer-led native habitat restoration. Specifically, I am researching how restrictions on public gatherings/group activities have affected volunteering and the success of native-plant restoration and invasive plant removal on volunteer-led plots (e.g., "adopt-a-plots"). My goal is to inform policies during this and future pandemics. 

Please let me know if you have any questions! Please send your responses this week if possible. Feel free to contact me at aurorajkg@gmail.com or (310) 740 - 6843. Thank you!


Aurora Khatibi Garrity