----- Forwarded message -----
From: "Clines, Joanna -FS" <jclines@fs.fed.us>
To: "Clines, Joanna -FS" <jclines@fs.fed.us>
Subject: Summer 2018 temporary botany positions - Sierra National Forest: Application period is open until 1/22/18. Please forward widely!
Date: Wed, Jan 17, 2018 7:50 PM

Hello all,


Time is of the essence because we just got the Vacancy Announcement #s (needed to apply in USAJobs) last Friday, and the application period started on 1/16 and ends this coming Monday, 1/22. 


The attached flier describes some basics about our temp botany jobs, summarizes the type of work, etc., lots going on here at the beautiful Sierra National Forest this year!  Applicants need to use the vacancy announcement #s in this flier and make sure to select “North Fork” as the duty location.   Any questions can come directly to me.  My cell is 559-760-3618. 


Thanks to all of you who take a moment to pass this on!






Forest Service Shield

Joanna Clines
Forest Botanist

Forest Service

Sierra National Forest

p: 559-877-2218 x3150
f: 559-877-3108

57003 Road 225
North Fork, CA 93643
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