Dear members,

See below for message from British Orienteering suspending all orienteering activity until further notice. 

Marie Roberts
Chair, MDOC

From: British Orienteering <>
Sent: Tuesday, 17 March 2020, 10:00
Subject: COVID 19 (Coronavirus) - British Orienteering Update

It is with great sadness that we are now in a position where all orienteering activities in the UK have to be suspended with immediate effect.

We are aware that the coronavirus outbreak is a very fluid and rapidly changing situation. We all, therefore, continue to follow advice from Public Health England, the World Health Organisation and both local and national governments on this matter and will keep the orienteering community updated as appropriate.

We know how great the sport is at supporting each other and we ask that you continue to pull together (albeit virtually) during this difficult time. We will do our best to get you back in the forests as soon as it is safe to do so.

Finally, we ask that you continue to follow the government's guidance on how to prevent the spread of Coronavirus. Please stay safe and support each other during this hard time.

Best wishes

Peter Hart
Chief Executive, British Orienteering