Dear club members,

One of the ways in which British Orienteering is encouraging clubs to prepare for a return to orienteering is for us to set up an online pre-entry system and contactless entry-on-the-day payment for local events.

The club has a wealth of computing expertise and member Ian Watson has risen to the challenge by offering to design a pre-entry system that meets our needs for local events as well as the new challenges of operating the sport safely. The existing professional entry services will continue to be used for larger regional or national events.

A Zoom meeting will take place this Thursday eveningĀ  to introduce the proposed scheme and discuss system requirements. All interested club members are welcome to attend and contribute ideas.

Time: 8pm

Format: Presentation of model system followed by Q&A

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 7427 0152
Password: 399422

If you reply to indicate your interest, you will be sent a URL to try out Ian's system before the meeting.

Marie Roberts

Chair, MDOC

Further information

Examples of booking systems devised by other clubs were given in a recent webinar hosted by British Orienteering

The section of the webinar about booking systems starts at 17mins 35secs.
