Help required; Schools Score Champs, Saturday 12th October Marie Roberts 01 Sep 2019 19:38 UTC

MDOC is hosting the 2019 British Schools Score Championships at Heaton
Park, Manchester on Saturday 12th October and we need your help to make
it a safe and happy event.

Teams of children aged 9-18 from all over the country will be competing
in this closed event and we will need as many helpers as possible,
especially to act as safety marshals around the park and guide children
at the start.

Qualified first aiders, please make yourselves known.

In addition, the planner, Dave McCann, would be grateful for volunteers
to help putting out and/or taking in controls.

There will also be early jobs to set out signage and direct coaches to
their dedicated parking.

Start times for the 45-minute score will be spread between 11.00 a.m.
and 1 p.m. with prizegiving at 2.15 p.m.

Computing services are being provided by Mike Napier.

Please let me know as soon as possible if you are available so that I
know whether I need to find additional help.

Thank you.

Marie Roberts

Organiser, BSSOC, Heaton Park

For further information about the event, visit the British Schools
Orienteering Association website:

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