GMOA AGM Sue Birkinshaw 07 Apr 2021 16:21 BST

GMOA will be holding an on-line AGM on Thursday May 6th at 7.30 p.m.
Reports, accounts and joining instructions will be sent out a few days before.

Did you know that you are a member of GMOA?  Do you even know what GMOA is?

Greater Manchester Orienteering Activities was set up in 1999 to look after and promote Permanent Orienteering Courses all over Greater Manchester. There are currently 56 (a few of them in nearby areas)
All members of MDOC and SELOC are automatically members of GMOA. Many help with the continuous job of keeping the POCs in good order.

Please join us for the AGM to learn more about this aspect of orienteering. Or maybe offer to help with the work?

Sue Birkinshaw, GMOA Chairman.