White Peak Weekend - Goyt valley Stephen Fellbaum 15 Oct 2012 10:40 UTC

On 27th October MDOC is hosting an event in the Goyt Valley as part of
the White Peak Weekend (in collaboration with DVO who are running an
event on Carsington Pastures the following day).

Please can you indicate if you are free to help and if you have a preferred job

As usual we need to cover the following areas  :-

car parking
first aid
start team (2 starts)
finish team (2 finishes)

Of course everyone should be able to get a run as well

Also offers of help for control collection (managed by Vicky Thornton
- planner) would be appreciated

As this will be entry on the day we have very little idea of
competitor numbers, however since we haven't held an event in the Goyt
Valley for some time and this is one of our best local areas, number
of entrants may be high and therefore a good turn out from our members
will be required to ensure the event runs smoothly.

ps thanks to those who have indicated availability already. Please
reconfrim just to make sure I dont miss you !

