Typically, this line "debunks" the CDC update by carefully avoiding its key point: 
that the vast majority of "COVID-19 deaths" were deaths caused by COVID-19 and 
serious comorbiditiesamong the very old. 

This propaganda blurp from the Miami Herald (and no doubt recycled everywhere)
tightly focuses on whether, in those fatal cases, COVID-19 was the decisive factor,
"the straw that broke the camel's back," so that those dead would still be living if
they didn't have that, too. That is "how infectious diseases work," the doctor 
quoted tells the Herald's scribe.

Whatever. Whether COVID-19 did or didn't finish off those people is beside the
point, which is that the lockdowns were, and are, unnecessary. As sane
epidemiologists have been insisting since this nightmare started, the rational
response to "the coronavirus" would have been to quarantine those very
vulnerable people—as always has been done during epidemics and pandemics
—and let the rest of us lead normal lives.

Instead, our "leaders," guided by the likes of Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates, locked 
down America almost entirely—a twisted policy that has killed countless people, 
well and vulnerable alike, by crashing the economy, thereby murdering millions
with no serious illnesses; and, as for those people most at risk, not only separating 
them from family and friends, which isolation did them in (the cause of that weird
"COVID peak" in April, as Denis Rancourt has shown), but also killing tens of 
thousands more of them by ordering nursing homes to take in COVID-19 patients
(a lethal practice carried out not just in the US, but in Canada, too). 

In short, they gave us the worst of both worlds, ostensibly to "keep us safe" from 
a virus that posed little risk to all but just a few of us, as the CDC update has made 
clear to anyone who still has eyes to see with.