This from a man with a vaccine-injured child.

Certain of Trump's ever-hopeful followers may see this as some kind
of shrewd maneuver on his part, intended to outflank his pseudo-
adversary, Dr. Fauci; but I think it's something else—shrewd, yes, but
not on our behalf: 

In light of the pro wrestling character of US "politics," this looks like
a set-up to cast Biden/Harris, or who/whatever takes Trump's place, as
very cautious, so that the COVID-19 vaccine will appear to have been
duly safety-tested (although, in fact, no vaccines ever really are), and
every anti-Trumper, and some others, will feel wonderfully relieved that
Trump's no longer "putting us at risk" by interfering in the (non-existent)
safety-testing protocol; so they will all be more inclined to get their shots
(which he, Gates, Fauci and the rest of them most certainly won't get,
just as they don't wear masks, except on camera). 


Trump Threatens to Block Stricter COVID-19 Vaccine Standards

With the Food and Drug Administration reportedly planning to propose stricter guidelines for emergency approval of a coronavirus vaccine, President Donald Trump late Wednesday threatened to block the agency’s push for tougher standards because he trusts for-profit pharmaceutical corporations to conduct adequate safety testing.

“I have tremendous trust in these massive companies that are so brilliantly organized in terms of what they’ve been doing with the tests. I don’t know that a government as big as we are could do tests like this,” Trump said during a press briefing, minimizing the central role the federal government has played in coordinating and providing much of the funding for vaccine trials.

Click on the link for the rest.