Vaccine trial FAILURE: Second AstraZeneca COVID-19 volunteer develops rare neurological condition

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covid-19-failure(NaturalHealth365) As COVID-19 vaccine trials continue speeding along, a major pharmaceutical company leading the way is facing heat yet again for subjecting volunteers to these fast-tracked vaccines.

Internal papers from AstraZeneca reveal another victim who has developed a rare and serious condition affecting the nervous system after getting treated with the investigational drug.  Of course, AstraZeneca representatives say it’s, “unlikely to be associated with the vaccine.”  

But, this news certainly has many people wondering: how long will these trials continue to be allowed to go on?

Dangerous trend: SECOND person suffers a serious health condition during COVID-19 vaccine trial, reports say

Is there an echo in here? Earlier this month, we reported that AstraZeneca paused its UK COVID-19 vaccine trial because a volunteer experienced serious neurological symptoms consistent with a rare inflammatory disease called transverse myelitis. Officials admitted the victim had been injected with the investigational vaccine and not a placebo.

Later, an AstraZeneca spokeswoman said the female participant also happened to have undiagnosed multiple sclerosis, which she claimed had nothing to do with the drug. The phase 3 vaccine trial subsequently resumed.

Now, reports reveal a SECOND female participant has come down with transverse myelitis. She developed symptoms after getting a follow-up dose of the vaccine.

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