Take the Virtual Tour of New York “5G-IRRADIATED" City
Sunday, Nov. 29, 3pm EST


Hello fellow New Yorkers,

We are living in the midst of many consequential issues. One of the most prominent issues literally affecting health and privacy in our everyday lives is 5th Generation (5G) wireless technology. The above photo shows 2 antenna installations taken within the last 2 weeks which I witnessed personally and verified with the technician that these antennas were for 5G! The locations were Madison Ave. and 119th Street (on the left) and Broadway and 86th Street (on the right).

A group of activists, New Yorkers 4 Wired Tech, has obtained information from the city agency in charge of communications networks. We have a list showing 8,200 4G/5G cell antennas installed on light poles and street lights in all 5 boroughs. Many installations took place during the COVID shutdown between March and May of this year. There are plans for another 3,400 to be installed! 

In combination with existing rooftop antennas, most neighborhoods are now immersed in dangerously high levels of pulsed-modulated microwave radiation. We know residents who are already seriously injured. Common symptoms include: headaches, fatigue, neurological problems, cardiovascular problems, tinnitus, sleep disorders, anxiety, mental fog, and fertility problems

There are actions being taken. However, there is an immediate need to inform as many New Yorkers as possible about the 5G agenda in our city, why it's an existential threat, how we are being deprived of “informed consent”, and simple steps we can take.

Join us on Sunday, Nov. 29th, 3pm EST for a Zoom-based virtual tour showing the extent of wireless infrastructure in our neighborhoods. We'll also cover the reality of fiber optic networks as a preferable alternative, and how we can play an active role in assuring the health of our communities while advocating for safe technology which is actually faster and more reliable than the 5G microwave assault we’re being confronted with.

Space is limited to 100 attendees. Please click the link to register now. Also, see images below for a glimpse of what you’ll see on the Tour of New York “5G-IRRADIATED" City.

Topic: Presentation of 4G/5G infrastructure in NYC
Time: Nov 29, 2020 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Suggestion: Tune in 5 minutes early to get in on time. 

Meeting ID: 880 0788 7848
Passcode: 386915

For access by phone:

646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 880 0788 7848
Passcode: 386915

Please spread the word! Let's take control of our digital future!

Looking forward,
Les Jamieson
On behalf of New Yorkers 4 Wired Tech