This piece has defects—the kneejerk pitch for the experimental COVID-19 "vaccine" is a big one—but the key point is urgent, and worth sharing widely.

Bill/Melinda and their crowd must be overjoyed at this development, as it's hastening the day when billions have died off, or stayed unborn, to clear the planet for the neo-feudal order to be managed to maintain global rule by that elite (whose major players have lots of children). 


Stillbirths: An overlooked consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic

Amid lockdown strain, overwhelmed health services and mistaken symptoms, hospitals around the world have seen the rate of stillbirths increase in 2020.
Many pregnant women have had remote antenatal appointments during the pandemic [Reuters/Callaghan O'Hare]
Many pregnant women have had remote antenatal appointments during the pandemic [Reuters/Callaghan O'Hare]
Max Horberry
27 Dec 2020

The day Sarmila Shrestha felt her baby was not moving, Nepal had just gone into lockdown. She was nine months pregnant and when she visited the hospital they told her she had to take a test for COVID-19 before she could be admitted.

“We were so confused about what to do next,” she said. When she was finally permitted to enter, the overwhelmed staff did not pay attention to her concerns and there were constant delays. Shrestha went into labour but her baby was stillborn.

Click on the link for the rest.

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