We haven't claimed any print in several (maybe 5) years without any repercussions. We have a similar number of titles. We still check in because it triggers another process still in use. But checking in is on the "stop as soon as feasible" list.
Figure out your most time consuming part of the process & see if you can't re-engineer that. Maybe your check in could just be a paper alpha checklist, instead on online (if that's how you are doing it)? Would be a faster way to still check in & see if it matters in the next quarter or 2.  I'd be astounded if your clients are banging down the doors for more than a handful of your print journals at this point anyway.
Jennifer Woodward
Sr. Content Analyst

From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [] On Behalf Of Todd Grooten
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 9:50 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] Cessation of serials check in and claiming

Good morning all,

I know that this is an issue that has probably come up in the past, but I am interested in how many of you have stopped checking in and claiming print journals.  I work in a corporate library with less than 100 print subscriptions, and we are are considering stopping both of these processes.  It seems that the time spent doing these processes might outweigh any benefit they bring. 

Thanks in advance,

Todd M. Grooten

Cataloger, Fort Wayne, IN