Hello friends and colleagues,
I'm looking for reporters to cover anywhere from components to all of the following May conferences/Webinars for the "Serials Spoken Here" column in Serials Review:  Intro to Journals Publishing, High Impact Online Marketing and Journal Development, all offered from ALPSP (https://timssnet2.allenpress.com//ECOMALPSP//Timssnet/Meetings/MAS_meetings.cfm); MLA (http://www.mlanet.org/am/am2010/pdf/mla10_call.pdf); the Acquisitions Institute (http://libweb.uoregon.edu/ec/aitl/); and, OVGTSL (http://www.wku.edu/library/ovgtsl/).  Interested parties are encouraged to contact me for details at kcblythe@email.unc.edu.
Kurt (Blythe)
column editor, Serials Review