I have a question for those institutions that do provide the service of scanning articles from print publications and send them to faculty and staff. How do you avoid copyright violations? I thought that changing the format of an article (e.g. scanning to electronic) meant that the institution had to pay copyright. Since some schools use their ILL or document delivery services, I assume monitors "local" use as well as loans to other libraries. When you send the scanned article from your local collection, do you have a copyright notice that goes with the scanned document?
Judith M. Nagata
Serials/Electronic Resources Librarian
Harrisburg Area Community College
Library Central Services
One HACC Dr.
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Ph: 717-780-2535
Fax: 717-780-2462

>>> "Holman, Jenifer" <holman.jeni@UWLAX.EDU> 10/5/2010 1:38 PM >>>
Hello -

I am curious as to whether any of you offer a campus journal delivery service? This would be a service in which users could request that a journal article (available in microform or print) be scanned and delivered electronically. I am interested in knowing how widespread this service is, whether libraries charge for the service, and whether it is administered through your ILL/document delivery departments or through your serials department.

Thank you!!

Jen Holman

Jenifer Holman
Periodicals Librarian
Murphy Library
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
1631 Pine St.
La Crosse, WI 54601

phone: 608-785-8395
fax: 608-785-8639
email: holman.jeni@uwlax.edu
calendar: My Calendar