You do not say if these are commercial business magazines or if they are publications which disseminate the research of business school faculty.  IW

On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 11:56 AM, Jewell, Carol H <> wrote:

Sorry for any duplication.


I am the Periodicals Copy Cataloger at the University at Albany Libraries, State University of New York. About 98% of my job is devoted to providing online access to periodicals.


Over the last year or so, I have noticed that, when I search OCLC for a bibliographic record for a periodical with a scientific scope, I usually find excellent records, which require little, if any, editing. On the other hand, when I search OCLC for records for periodicals with a business scope, the records I find are usually of poor quality, if I find any at all, that is! I end up having to do a lot of original cataloging for business periodicals.


I have been trying to determine why this is so. A search of the literature was frustrating, to say the least.


If anyone has any clues, ideas, etc., I would be most grateful. If I get enough information, I may write an article.


Thanks in advance.




Carol H.  Jewell,

Cataloging Services

University Libraries,

University at Albany, State University of New York



I. Woodward
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I haven't gone anywhere.  I'm employed.  -  Joe DiMaggio  [att.]