On 2012-07-18, Anthony Watkinson on LIBLICENSE wrote:

There were three publishers on the Finch committee (out of seventeen
members)... [1]

I do not know of any evidence that they had a special line to Finch
herself or any special privileges. I do not know of any special
influence that representative bodies for publishing might have had.
Does Professor Harnad? [2]

Some years ago Professor Harnad had a lot of influence on the
conclusions of a Parliamentary Science and Technology Committee in the
UK. Perhaps he expects the same special channel he had then [3]

There were more -- Learned Societies are publishers too -- but three
publishers would already be three too many in a committee on providing 
open access to publicly funded research.

The recommendations of the Finch committee were identical to the
ones for which publishers have been lobbying aggressively for years
(ever since it has become evident that trying to lobby against OA itself
in the face of the mounting pressure for it from the research community is
futile and very ill-received by the research community). 

The publisher lobbying has accordingly been for the following:
"Phase out Green OA and provide money to pay for Gold OA."

The Finch outcome was already pre-determined as a result of 
publisher lobbying before the committee was even constituted:

Finch on Green: "The [Green OA] policies of neither research funders 
nor universities themselves have yet had a major effect in ensuring that 
researchers make their publications accessible in institutional repositories… 
[so] the infrastructure of subject and institutional repositories should [instead] 
be developed [to] play a valuable role complementary to formal publishing, 
particularly in providing access to research data and to grey literature, and 
in digital preservation [no mention of Green OA]…"

Finch on Gold: "Gold" open access, funded by article charges, should be 
seen as "the main vehicle for the publication of research"… Public 
funders should establish "more effective and flexible arrangements" 
to pay [Gold OA] article charges… During the transition to [Gold] open 
access, funding should be found to extend licences [subscriptions] 
for non-open-access content to the whole UK higher education and 
health sectors…"

But that's all moot now, as both RCUK and EC have ignored it,
instead re-affirming and strengthening their Green OA mandates
the day after Mr. Willets announced the adoption of the recommendations
of the Finch committee:

"[P]eer reviewed research papers which result from research that 
is wholly or partially funded by the Research Councils... must be 
published in journals… [either] offering a “pay to publish” option
[Gold OA] or allowing deposit in a subject or institutional 
repository [Green OA] after a mandated maximum embargo 
period… of no more than six months… except… AHRC and… 
ESRC where the maximum... is 12 months…"

The 2004 recommendations of the Parliamentary Select 
Committee on Science and Technology were based on 
23 oral testimonials and 127 written testimonials. Mine was one
of the 127 written testimonials. If anything had influence on the
outcome, it was evidence and reasons.

The 2004 Select Committee recommendation had been this: 

“This Report recommends that all UK higher education institutions 
establish institutional repositories on which their published output 
can be stored and from which it can be read, free of charge, online. 
It also recommends that Research Councils and other Government 
funders mandate their funded researchers to deposit a copy of all 
of their articles in this way... [T]he Report [also] recommends that 
the Research Councils each establish a fund to which their funded 
researchers can apply should they wish to pay to publish...”

At that time, despite the fact that the UK government (again under 
pressure from the publishing lobby) decided to ignore the Select 
Committee’s recommendation to mandate Green OA, RCUK and 
many UK universities adopted Green OA mandates anyway. 

As a  result, the UK became the global leader in the transition to 
Open Access.

If heeded, the Finch Committee recommendation to downgrade 
repository use to the storage and preservation of data, theses and 
unpublished work would have set back global OA by at least a decade.

Fortunately, the RCUK has again shown its sense and independence,
reaffirming and strengthening its Green OA mandate.
Let us hope UK’s universities — not pleased that scarce research funds, 
instead of being increased, are to be decreased to pay extra needlessly 
for Gold OA — will likewise continue to opt instead for cost-free Green OA 
by mandating it.

If so, the UK will again have earned and re-affirmed its leadership role 
in the global transition to universal OA.

Stevan Harnad

From: Stevan Harnad <amsciforum@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2012 16:32:45 -0400

Irony of ironies, that it should now appear (to some who are not
paying attention) as if the the RCUK & EC were following the
recommendations of Finch/Willets when in point of fact they are
pointedly rejecting them!

RCUK and EC were already leading the world in providing and mandating Green OA.

Finch/Willets, under the influence of the publisher lobby, have
recommended abandoning cost-free Green OA and instead spending scarce
research money on paying publishers extra for Gold OA.

Both RCUK & EC immediately announced that, no, they would stay the
course in which they were already leading -- mandatory Green OA. (They
even shored it up, shortening the maximum allowable embargo period,
again directly contrary to Finch/Willets!)

What Finch/Willets have mandated is that £50,000,000.00 of the UK's
scarce research budget is taken away annually from UK research and
redirected instead to paying publishers for Gold OA.

The UK government is free to squander its public funds as it sees fit.

But as long as cost-free Green OA mandates remain in effect, that's
just a waste of money, not of progress in the global growth in OA.

(A lot of hard, unsung work had to be done to fend off the concerted
efforts of the publisher lobby, so brilliantly successful in duping
Finch/Willets, to dupe the RCUK and EC too. They failed. And they will
fail with the US too. And the UK will maintain its leadership in the
worldwide OA movement, despite Finch/Willets, not because of it.)

Stevan Harnad

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