Government Information: Now and in the Future

November 13-14, 2012

Hosted by Lori Smith

Please join us for an e-forum discussion. It’s free and open to everyone!

Registration information is at the end of the message.


Each day, sessions begin and end at:

Pacific: 6:30am – 2:30pm
Mountain: 7:30am – 3:30pm
Central: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Eastern: 9:30am – 5:30pm


Many information resources from the federal government are now available online. Given that fact, do libraries still need to collect government documents in physical formats? Why? If you aren't a Federal Depository Library (FDL), how do you find out what resources are available? How do you direct your patrons to them? Who's going to preserve all this electronic information so people can access it in the future?

Please join us for an exciting and informative e-forum on November 13 and 14 to discuss how libraries, both FDLs and non-depositories, are currently providing access to government information and how they can face the challenges of providing government information in the future. This e-forum will provide participants an opportunity to talk about what their libraries are doing to discover, provide, and preserve government information. Librarians and technical services staff from all types of libraries are invited to participate.

Lori Smith is the Government Documents Department Head at Southeastern Louisiana University's Sims Memorial Library, and the 2012–2013 Coordinator of the Federal Documents Task Force of ALA's Government Documents Round Table. Smith has worked with federal and state publications since 1987. She conceived, edited, and coauthored the 2003 book Tapping State Government Information Sources, and contributed a chapter to the 2008 book Managing Electronic Government Information in Libraries: Issues and Practices.

*What is an e-forum?*

An ALCTS e-forum provides an opportunity for librarians to discuss matters of interest, led by a moderator, through the e-forum discussion list. The e-forum discussion list works like an email listserv: register your email address with the list, and then you will receive messages and communicate with other participants through an email discussion. Most e-forums last two to three days. Registration is necessary to participate, but it's free. See a list of upcoming e-forums at:

*To register:*

Instructions for registration are available at: Once you have registered for one e-forum, you do not need to register again, unless you choose to leave the email list. Participation is free and open to anyone.

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