Hi folks,


The Chronicle of Higher Ed. often arrives in a damaged state.  To be specific, the front page is torn up (sometimes chunks completely missing).  Subsequent pages plus the back page may be damaged as well. We have asked the publisher to send it in a wrapper, but if we do get a wrapper, it only lasts for a few issues.


Anybody else have this problem?  Have you had success in getting plastic wrappers for your issues?  Can you complain to the post office?   Our periodicals coordinator is not too happy that these tattered copies keep on limping in with the mail.  It doesn’t constitute attractive material for potential readers.


I just looked at the shelf and out of 6 regular issues, 3 are damaged. The periodicals coordinator has mentioned that all of our regular newspapers come in plastic wrappers.  Chronicle of Higher Ed. is pretty cheap, and I would think wrappers of some sort, applied in bulk, would not be that expensive on the grand scale.




Diane Westerfield, Electronic Resources & Serials Librarian

Tutt Library, Colorado College


(719) 389-6661

(719) 389-6082 (fax)



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