Hello Kurt,

What sessions need coverage?

Uncapping pen, rolling up sleeves,

On Dec 30, 2015, at 10:17 AM, "Blythe, Kurt" <kcblythe@EMAIL.UNC.EDU> wrote:

Hello all,

Fear not! There is room for you to report on Midwinter for Serials Review! Let me know what serials-related sessions you’re attending so that I can coordinate your coverage with those of your colleague-contributors.



From: Blythe, Kurt
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2015 1:43 PM
To: 'serialst@listserv.nasig.org' <serialst@listserv.nasig.org>
Subject: Call for Midwinter coverage


Hello all,

I need a reporter or reporters to cover continuing resources-related sessions at Midwinter for the “Serials Spoken Here” column in Serials Review. Heed this call! Please. Covering Midwinter earns you a byline and provides a service to those of your colleagues that can’t attend. Interested parties are encouraged to get in touch for further details.



Serials Access Librarian

UNC-Chapel Hill

column editor, Serials Review

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