Most journals state their impact factor on their this case... did not even have to go that far...I "googled" the title, and this reference box was on the right side of the results page: 

State Politics & Policy Quarterly
Peer-reviewed journal
State Politics & Policy Quarterly is a peer-reviewed academic journal that covers research in the field of political science. The journal's editors are Chris Bonneau and Kristin Kanthak. Wikipedia
Impact factor0.696 (2016)
ISO 4 abbreviationFind out here
OCLC number45351990

Matthew Person

Marine Biological Laboratory


Technical Services Coordinator

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From: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum <SERIALST@LISTSERV.NASIG.ORG> on behalf of Patricia Dover <prdover@SEWANEE.EDU>
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2017 8:38:09 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] Impact Factor needed for single journal title

Can someone look up the impact factor for State Politics and Policy Quarterly and share it with me?

We do not have a subscription to Journal Citation Reports and I just need the info on that one title.

Thanks in advance!

Pat Dover


Patricia Dover

Electronic Resources Librarian

Collections Management

Jessie Ball duPont Library

The University of the South

178 Georgia Ave.

Sewanee, TN 37383






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