Nominations are being accepted for the 2020 Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) awards for outstanding achievement and promise in the field of serials and continuing resources. The awards are presented by the Continuing Resources Section of ALCTS. One award honors an individual who shows outstanding promise in the field of serials, while the other recognizes an individual whose work represents the finest achievements in research, collaboration, creative work, leadership and service.

The deadline for nominations and supporting materials is Dec. 1.

First Step Award

The ALCTS Continuing Resources Section presents the award, a Wiley Professional Development Grant. The award provides librarians who are new to the serials field with the opportunity to broaden their perspectives and encourages professional development and participation at American Library Association (ALA) conferences and Continuing Resources Section activities. ALCTS members with five or less years of professional experience in the continuing resources field are eligible.

The award consists of $1,500, donated by Wiley, and is applicable toward round trip transportation, lodging, registration fees, etc. Eligible applicants may apply more than once. Winners will be chosen based on: commitment to professional development in the continuing resources field as shown by participation in continuing education activities, workshops and previous participation in professional activities; candidate's written justification for the grant in terms of commitment to and interest in continuing resources related work; personal professional development; financial need; two letters of reference; and a vita. 

Send nominations to Shirleanne Ackerman Gahan, chair, First Step Jury.

Visit the First Step Award page for more information.