Dear Colleagues,


After 39 years, the Charleston Conference regrets to announce we are unable to meet in person as planned this year. We are committing ourselves to providing a top-notch, interactive, and immersive online experience for our attendees. We want to do our best to bring what you know and love about Charleston to you remotely! The event platform we're using will provide a virtual vendor showcase, several networking opportunities, and a user-friendly interface for conference sessions. We're working on schedule details now but plan to bring a mix of our usual high quality keynote and plenary speakers, along with concurrents and some fun social options. 


We are extending the proposal deadline for our Call for Papers to Friday, July 17. Remote presentations will include a mix of live and pre-recorded sessions, and both options will include live Q&A for attendees. Submit your proposal now for our virtual event at


Moving to an online-only event was not an easy decision to make, and we appreciate all the feedback and suggestions we've received. We sent a survey to conference attendees from the past five years, and received a huge return rate of over 900 librarians, publishers, vendors and more. The overwhelming response was that although attendees love and value the conference, they're simply not able to come this year. We all know budgets have taken an enormous hit this year as colleges and universities struggle to determine how to re-open in the fall, and publishers and vendors are therefore also feeling the crunch. Beyond those budgetary constraints, however, there is real and valid concern over travel safety as the majority of our attendees are coming from out of state, or even internationally, to attend. Even with following all of the recommended social distancing, protective policies, and disinfecting protocols, the travel to the venue and the hotel stays are problematic for attendee safety. For all of these reasons, we agree that it is the best to move to an online-only conference.


We're sad that we can't be with you in person for 2020, but we look forward to hopefully going back to an on-site event for 2021. Contact Leah Hinds, Executive Director, with questions at




The Charleston Conference Staff and Conference Directors


Courtney McAllister