Re: Serial check-in using SICI barcode? Jennifer van Sickle 31 Jul 2001 19:41 UTC

Dear Regina,

We are in the ongoing process of setting up online check-in records in
SIRSI, and we use the barcode for check-in whenever possible.  It's much
easier than searching by keying in titles.  I have noticed that a few
barcodes are not usable as SIRSI will give us a formatting error message.
I do not know the percentage of titles that have barcodes, but the major
academic publishers (especially for science titles) all seem to have them
in place.

I have found that setting up the online check-in record can be a
time-consuming task, especially if the arrival patterns are not easily
discernible.  There are some titles for which we use the barcode to pull
up the record but then have to key the volume, date, etc. manually as the
arrival pattern is a complete mystery or just too complicated to set up.
I don't know if this is a problem that is due to the publisher,
limitations in the check-in system, or both.

I hope this is helpful.

Jennifer van Sickle
Serials Librarian/Science Bibliographer
Trinity College Library
300 Summit St.
Hartford, CT 06106
phone: (860) 297-2250
fax: (860) 297-2251

-----Original Message-----
Date: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 2:24 PM
From: Regina Reynolds [mailto:rrey@LOC.GOV]
Subject: Serial check-in using SICI barcode?


I am interested in learning about any experience you might have with
checking in serials using the SICI barcode.  Innovative Interfaces
Millenium system advertises this capability, and I believe some other
systems have it as well.  I would be interested in some sense of how well
check-in worked, how compatible with the MARC holdings format it was, what
proportion of your serials were printing the barcode, what system you
have, and any other information you could share.  The SICI represents an
important use of the ISSN and I am interested in hearing more about the
current success or future potential of this application of the ISSN.
Additionally, serials check-in via an online system can be a complex and
time-consuming process (as LC is learning).  Anything that can speed this
process is useful to know about.  NSDP is in a position to encourage
publishers to print the SICI barcode if it is a useful check-in tool.

Please either post to the list or contact me directly.  Thank you in
advance for any information you can share.


Regina  R. Reynolds                     email:
Head, National Serials Data Program     voice: (202) 707-6379
Library of Congress                     fax    (202) 707-6333
101 Independence Avenue, S.E.           ISSN Web page:
Washington, D.C. 20540-4160