Question - Subscription Services (2 messages) Marcia Tuttle 18 Jul 2002 16:02 UTC

From: "Rollo Turner" <>
Subject: Re:      Question - Subscription Services
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 12:18:23 +0100

Please see ASA website for a list of members of the Association of
Subscription Agents and Intermediaries its on

Rollo Turner
Secretary General
Association of Subscription Agents and Intermediaries

----- Original Message -----
From: "Peggy Schons" <Peggy.J.Schons@CENTERPOINTENERGY.COM>
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 7:47 PM
Subject: Question - Subscription Services

> I am hoping to obtain a list of subscription services.  I work in a
> corporate library setting and wanted to investigate options other than our
> current service, EBSCO.  The addition of pros and cons would be extremely
> helpful!
> Many thanks!
> Peggy

From: "van Sickle, Jennifer" <>
Subject: RE: Question - Subscription Services
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 09:17:50 -0400

Dear Peggy,

We're very happy with Harrassowitz (Germany-they have a USA office).  They
are justifiably known for excellent customer service.  I've found that they
were able to get us items that were difficult to obtain with other vendors.
Let me know if you need more information.

Hope this helps!


Jennifer van Sickle
Serials Librarian/Science Bibliographer
Trinity College Library
300 Summit St.
Hartford, CT 06106
phone: (860) 297-2250
fax: (860) 297-2251