International Lighting Review Ken Siegert 13 Aug 2002 15:31 UTC

Hi Everyone,

Our Library is having some difficulty with International Lighting Review.

We had not received any issues for quite sometime, and there had been
a significant gap in our holdings.  We received the first two issues
of 1998, and then received the first issue of 2000.

I contacted someone at Philips Lighting Company, and was told that
the publication had ceased.  She was going to attempt to find out
when the last issue was published.  She would try to get some back
issues for us, but was not certain if she would be successful because
the entire operation for this publication has been shut down.

Does anyone have an idea as to the last issue published?  Any other details?


Ken Siegert
Acquisitions Assistant
Shadek-Fackenthal Library
Franklin & Marshall College
P.O. Box 3003
Lancaster, PA  17604-3003

Phone - (717) 291-4219
Fax -       (717) 291-4160