E-serials Cataloguing Workshop in Toronto Jane Binksma 08 Feb 2005 21:23 UTC

The Serials Interest Group (SIG) and Technical Services Interest Group
(TSIG) of CLA (Canadian Library Association) are pleased to present a
1-day workshop on E-Serials Cataloguing.

This hands-on course is part of CONSER's Serials Cataloging Cooperative
Training Program and is designed as a hands-on training course for
cataloging electronic serials distributed through the Web. This workshop
is based on Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (AACR), 2nd edition,
including the 2001 amendments and the revised edition published in 2002.
It incorporates key revisions of chapter 9, "Electronic resources" and
chapter 12 "Continuing resources" that apply to electronic serials, but
is not a comprehensive course on serials cataloging. The course is also
based on Library of Congress Rule Interpretations, the MARC 21 format,
and CONSER specific policies and practices set forth in the CONSER
Cataloging Manual and CONSER Editing Guide.

The curriculum includes the following sessions:

   * Cataloguing an online serial
   * Aggregations and packages
   * Online versions
   * Changes that affect cataloging
   * Case studies

*Instructor*: Peter Glenister - Bibliographic Services Librarian, Mount
Saint Vincent University Library

*Audience*: Those who have had previous serials cataloguing experience.

*Cost*: $100.00 for CLA members; $150.00 for non-members. Includes
coffee breaks, lunch and manual.

*Date*: Friday, March 18, 2005

*Time*: Registration: 8:00 - 8:30 Workshop: 8:30 - 4:30

*Place*: Ryerson University - International Living Learning Centre. See:

*Deadline*:  Fees and registration must be received by *March 11, 2005*
- no exceptions.

For more information about the workshop or accommodations in Toronto,
please contact Jane Binksma at jbinksma@ryerson.ca

To register, please download/print registration form, which can be found
at this url:


Mail form and registration fee to the following address:

Jane Binksma
Acquisitions Librarian
Collections Team
Ryerson University Library
350 Victoria Street
Toronto, ON
M5B 2K3
416-979-5000 ex. 4855