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CD-Roms management Barbara Rauch 15 May 2007 02:03 UTC

Hi everybody
I'm trying to collect some information about what other libraries are
doing with digital formats that arrive with print journals, in
particular CD-Roms.  For example, IT journals often come with CDs
containing software.
Our current policy is to keep the CDs with the journal but treat them
separately for bar coding and Dewey labelling. We catalogue our journals
and lend them to staff only.  We are a small university, using the
Voyager system and in the process of installing RFID.
Some libraries, I hear, keep the CDs at the circulation/lending desk
and issue as required, some are not keeping them at all.  Others are
selective, in that they will keep them if they supplement the journal
but not if they are simply a different format of the same thing.
Is there a copyright issue here?  If you are using RFID, have you
changed your policy on CDs.?
I realise that this is a serials list, but the problem affect books as
well, so any comments are welcome.

What is your current practice or what thoughts or recommendations do
you have for managing these kinds of items?


Barbara Rauch
Acquisitions Coordinator
Mail No. B-30
AUT University Library
Private Bag 92006
Auckland 1142

P +64 (09) 921 9999
F +64 (09) 921 9977