ALCTS/AS Organization & Management Committee program announcement Janet Hulm 24 Jun 2008 17:05 UTC

*Please excuse the duplicate posting*

I neglected to mention that ebrary is kindly sponsoring this program.
Thank you!

*Please excuse cross-posting*

Dear Colleagues,

You are cordially invited to attend the ALCTS AS Acquisitions Organization
& Management Committee Program,

Ebook Workflows:  Selection to Access
Sat, 8:00 am - 10:00 am
Anaheim Convention Center 204 B

Ebook workflows cross the organization and involve individuals with a
variety of skills and responsibilities. This  program is a follow-up to our
successful preconference on workflow analysis but the focus is specific to
ebook selection, acquisition, and access.  Speakers will introduce issues
regarding user behavior, ebook distribution, impacts on staffing, and
consortial approaches to ebook acquisition. Speakers will identify problems
and offer potential solutions. A panel discussion will conclude the program.

Speakers: Aline Soules, California State University, East Bay; Carolyn
Morris, Coutts Information Services; Michael Walmsley, YBP Library
Services; Laura S. Wrubel, University of Maryland, College Park

Please join us!

Janet Hulm
Head of Acquisitions and Resource Sharing
Ohio University Libraries, Room 421
30 Park Place
Ohio University
Athens  OH  45701
740.597.1968 (voice)
740.593.2692 (fax)